Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Into Thy Word - How did you get your start? Into Thy Word Ministries as a conception was founded in 1988 with the publication of a seminar booklet How to Study the Bible which was published into a book in 2000, Into Thy Word. And incorporated as a full time ministry in March of 2001 with our interactive web site ministry. Our founder has been teaching these seminars in various forms for nearly 20 years. Our founder Richard J. Krejcir started to teach a Bible study on how to study the Bible shortly after becoming a Christian in 1978 for a Young Life campaigners group. He became frustrated that all of the books were too complicated for the average person to understand. Or they were too basic and provided little helpful information to teach Christians to go deeper in their Word and faith. It was, and still is, his desire and call to learn how to get the most out of the Bible. He found the Bible difficult to understand and confusing, and knew that God was not a God of confusion, so he sought a better way to understand His Word. He felt that there were few subjects more important to learn, than how to study Gods Word. He was further frustrated that few Christians felt as he did. Thus he spent the next 20 years researching the best ways to teach and study the Bible. He went on to college, graduate school, and then seminary. He became a pastor and speaker and taught the inductive Bible study methods to thousands of people over the years. Our ministry founder has also spent a lifetime overcoming learning disabilities and dyslexia with a passion for the Word. He has found better ways to learn, which others can use, to better engage His Word. During his research over the years, he interviewed many great Bible expositors to find their secrets for preaching and writing on the Bible. These people include Charles Swindoll, R.C. Sproul, Chuck Smith, J. Vernon McGee, Warren W. Wiersbe, John MacArthur, Walter Martin and many others. Other great men too have been researched through their disciples and writings. Such as Charles Spurgeon {through his book Lectures to my Students} and Donald Grey Barnhouse {through his disciple Walter Martin}, and many others. Of course there are no secrets. These men just found ways to dig more information than others were able to do with the same Bible. He wanted to find out how they did that. He compounded all that he had learned through seminary and his research to then teach others how also to learn them. Because of his learning disabilities, he was concerned on how people learn, and then incorporated the learning techniques* into his seminars. He kept researching, getting feedback, refining; thus producing a better more insightful and helpful seminar. All these ideas and outcomes where carefully combined with proven inductive Bible study methods. Then after years of teaching these techniques, they were refined, reworked, and condensed to produce the book, Into Thy Word; and finally the international, Into Thy Word Ministries. How do you receive support? Into Thy Word Ministries is a faith based ministry solely supported by faith and your support through prayer and financial resources. We do charge those who can pay for our resources and seminars to cover some of our costs, we also give a lot away. We function with staff who raise their own support through tent making, their personal contacts, and your giving. If I give where would my money go? Your financial support will go to the operating and administrative costs of running the ministry and to scholarships for seminar attendees in need. And our greatest need is to add staff to train teams and then send them overseas. We offer full financial accountability to you if you write in for that request. Support Information: You may send your support to: Into Thy Word Ministries 14948 East Lindhall Way Whittier, Ca 90604 Into Thy Words Ministries is currently located in Whittier, California. We are in the process of locating to a larger facility in the Pasadena California area. If you can help us with this matter, please contact us. You may contact us through e-mail Please keep us in prayer!!! *What are learning methods/techniques? Learning techniques are mainly from developmental psychology and mindmapping. These techniques show how the human mind functions and gathers information. Mindmapping is about how creative people brainstorm ideas. These have nothing to do with the controversy for why some evangelical leaders discredit psychology. Their concern is in the therapy and how it might distract people away from the Lordship of Christ and His healing power. Because of the way our minds naturally work, we expanded the 3 step inductive process into 7 steps. This is not adding irrelevant information or making it convoluted, but rather making the process easier and more insightful. Each step builds upon the previous step, which paves the way for the next step. These learning techniques do not in any way attack the nature of Scripture or compromise its integrity. These learning techniques are just showing how the human mind works and how God created us to learn. By finding out these ways, we can learn more in less time, thus increasing our effectiveness to be His child, to be His disciple. We are committed to bring the truth of the Word to all Christians with full reverence and devotion to the inerrancy of Scripture. We add nothing to it, nor take nothing from it!